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How to Get Started

Getting started with Taglocity 3 for Outlook and TeamFeed is easy!


Simply create a free TeamFeed account here if you don't have one yet, and then download and install Taglocity 3 for Outlook. See the side note titled Activation and Privacy for information about the TeamFeed account.

Taglocity 3 for Outlook Standard is free and includes an automatic 30 day trial for the Professional version.  After the trial period expires, you can choose to upgrade to the Professional version or revert to the free Standard version.


TeamFeed and Taglocity 3 for Outlook Professional can be deployed to groups without having to individually setup and license each user.  We also offer professional services for enterprise installation, integration, customization, and training. Please contact sales for further inquiries.

Ten Things a New Taglocity User Can Do

  • 1. Bundle Your Tags
    Once you’ve created a few tags you'll want to organize them into bundles or collections of tags that live together. You can do this via the ‘Configuration’ screen – simply drag a tag under another ‘parent tag’ to place it underneath. Bundles are very useful in the AutoSuggest feature, in that you can easily apply multiple tags just by typing the first letters of the tag you want to see and it’ll show the available combinations.
  • 2. Create or Join a Group
    Groups are a way of sharing tags and email messages. You can publish common information to TeamFeed (with Tags on the message, of course!) which then means other people in the group will be able to search and see. Think of how many CC: email chains you can get rid of!
  • 3. Browse a Group Online
    You can use the ‘Go Online’ button on the Taglocity toolbar in Outlook or sign in here to see your groups from an Internet browser like Internet Explorer or Firefox. Here you’ll be able to see recent activity, messages and search by words or by tags.
  • 4. Search by Tags
    When you search in Taglocity you’ll notice a special ‘Prune’ window that shows the tags on all the results you have so far. You can use this to narrow down your search by selecting the tags in the tag cloud as additional criteria to your search. Tip: You can also use the right-mouse button menu on each tag to further refine how you want to use it.
  • 5. Subscribe to a Group
    If you want to be alerted, either by a RSS/ATOM feed or a forwarded mail, that something has arrived in the group that is of interest to you then set up an Alert. All you have to do is use the Taglocity Search to get your criteria right and then select the RSS icon to create the new alert.
  • 6. Set up some Tag Actions
    When you assign a tag to an email, task or calendar entry in Outlook you can set up a number of automatic actions to occur. Take a look at the Configuration screen to see what’s available. Common actions include moving the mail to a certain folder, or using one tag to place a number of other tags on a message (for example, tagging with ‘Acme’ could add the ‘Customer’ tag automatically too).
  • 7. Create a Search Folder
    With Taglocity you can use the ‘Filter’ feature to narrow down a whole folder of messages to just the tags you want to see. You can use the ‘Create Search Folder’ button to make a new Outlook Search Folder based on this criteria. This Search Folder will look across all your folders and is useful as a ‘unified view’ of all your information.
  • 8. Tag the Conversation
    When you tag a message you always have the option of using the right-mouse button menu and selecting the tag, choose the ‘Tag Entire Conversation’ option. This will then go through all the messages in the conversation and apply that tag for it: Very useful when used with the Search and Filter options.
  • 9. Learn the Keyboard Way
    Taglocity has support from Keyboard Shortcuts, and can really increase your productivity for rapid message tagging. To reconfigure the keys to just the way you like them then checkout the Configuration / Settings screen.
  • 10. Invite Your Friends and Colleagues
    You can invite new users to your Taglocity Group from the Configuration / Groups screen 'Invite Members To The Group'. They’ll receive an invite to set up Taglocity 3, and once signed up will be asked to join your new group. Remember, sharing information via groups can reduce your emails and provide a valuable place for people to find the information they need.

Taglocity 3 makes
it easy for teams
to connect!


Check out our video library for demos and helpful tips about various Taglocity features.

Activation and Privacy

Please note that after installation you'll be prompted to activate Taglocity. This is optional but recommended. Learn more here.

Read more about our Privacy Policy and Online Terms and Services Agreement.

OAQ: Occasionally Asked Questions

  • Do I need to change the way I work?

    Taglocity does not require you to use new software applications or change the way you like to work. The client integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Outlook 2003 & 2007.
  • Who is Taglocity for?

    Taglocity works well for individual office workers who get lots of email, but provides even more value when used by workgroups and all members of cross-functional teams.
  • What’s in it for just me?

    You send and receive a lot of email and a significant part of your day is consumed trying to manage your inbox, or find important information from your archives. Taglocity will save you time organizing and working with email, and also finding things.
  • But I like using lots of Outlook Folders…?

    Folders work well for some people, but have some disadvantages. Often your content needs to be 'tagged' to more than one single subject and a single folder just isn't good enough. Also, folders are hard to change over time and quickly become unmanageable in that your archives must always reflect your original folder set up. Often you just end up not bothering and are left with a complex tree of folders you never use.
  • My 'XYZ' Desktop Search toolbar in Outlook is great, why would I bother with Taglocity?

    Desktop Search tools are very good, in that they harness the power of the desktop computer to let you quickly find all sorts of files and content on your computer. Taglocity can be thought of as using the underlying power of this search, but for queries tailored to be specific to your tags and Outlook. As Desktop Search indexes so many more types of stores and data, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find things just with a couple of remembered key words. Often you get back far too many results in a long list and, although the search performed quickly, you are still left with a lot of work to do. Taglocity uses the tags as a 'context' for you to start with - you will find that you can get to what you need many times quicker using this approach.
  • Why collaborate with Taglocity?

    Today’s email problems can only be improved so far with a single person and their inbox. To eliminate email overload, enable knowledge reuse, and profit from collective intelligence requires a community style improvement that can only occur with a group.
  • Will my emails be displayed to everyone?

    No, only the emails that you want to share with the group will be published. To publish the message to the group you just need to send it to the group account (for example if you belong to a group called 'Taggers' you will publish by sending the email to [email protected]).
  • What’s collective intelligence?

    Collective Intelligence refers to any system that taps the expertise of a group rather than just an individual.
  • Does Taglocity 3 for Outlook Support IMAP?

    IMAP based email is not supported due to the way Outlook handles IMAP email with regard to categories and indexing.

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