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FeatureRequest: TagActions for multiple tags

It would be nice (really nice) if I were able have a mail moved to Folder A if only Tag A was applied to it, to folder B if only Tag B was applied to it and to Folder C if both Tag A and Tag B are applied to it.
Vlad Iliescu
Monday, February 05, 2007
Hi Vlad,

One initial idea would just be to do a little VBA and build your own User Defined TagAction for this behaviour, i.e. an example here:

..could be simply extended to move the Outlook item based on what tags it already has. As the tags are copied into the Outlook categories field you could look at that information and do some logic like this:

  ' Just TagA so Folder A
  If thisMail.Categories = "[TagA]" Then
      thisMail.Move destinationFolderA

  ' Just TagB so Folder B
  ElseIf thisMail.Categories = "[TagB]" Then
      thisMail.Move destinationFolderB

  ' Both Tags A and B so Folder C
  ElseIf thisMail.Categories = "[TagA], [TagB]" Then
      thisMail.Move destinationFolderC
  End If

Does that make sense?

It's also worth pointing out that the User Defined TagAction rules get run last in the actions queue, i.e. after any other tagging has already taken place.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Monday, February 05, 2007
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