Please feel free to put any sort of Taglocity comments in this forum. If it starts to grow too big then we can split it up into different areas. Questions about this forum can go here Forum guidelines are here A wee green tick next to a username indicates an administrator or employee of IngBox Software |
Welcome to the Forum
There are very few guidelines for this forum, but here they are anyway: - Anything that could be construed as offensive gets taken out. - The content of your posts needs to be at least 1% about Taglocity, or at least about email and tagging. - You don't have to give your name/details, although it's preferred. People like to know who they are talking to, so nicknames are ok too. - Try to eat at least 5 portions of fruit a day. Gummie Bears don't count. Any suggestions, tips, bugs, hates, loves or desired future features are most welcome. Enjoy. - David ![]() |
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