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All about Taglocity. Bug reports, Feature Requests and General Chat

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Taglocity 1.0.5 for Outlook 2003 Released

This is both a functionality and bug-fix point update release and includes the following new features:

- The QuickTag tool now allows you to enter in new tags without a pop-up dialog. Just type whatever tag name you are thinking of and it adds it to your collection.

- The menus and dialogs have been improved based on user feedback. The AutoTag button can now be found from the 'Tools' menu. The color scheme has now been updated to reflect how people use various desktop themes too.

- Digitally signed emails no longer cause a prompt.

- A new setting 'Show on TagCloud' is included, to allow those with a lot of tags to select which ones to hide or show.

- A nicer 'Unknown Tag' set of dialogs that can alert you when an unrecognized tag is received (Don't forget to switch on the 'AutoTag On' feature to see these!)

- Initial support for storing your Taglocity settings from within your Outlook store, rather than a local file. Taglocity uses a Journal entry called 'Taglocity Settings', and has the capability to synchronize two or more Taglocity installations. Please note that this feature is OFF by default, as it is an early version and we'd appreciate your feedback on it.

- Initial support for something called 'User Defined TagActions'. This is a powerful new experimental feature that allows you to hook up simple VBA macro's to your Tag's TagActions. Due to the early nature of this work, it is disabled in the UI by default. We shall post in this forum an example or two of how to use it for those interested in trying it out.

- Improved 'Reader' performance and display - useful if you have 100 new emails and want to scan through them as quickly as possible!

- WebStore link added to the 'Purchase Now' to allow those with Proxy restrictions to still buy. Note that the 'Taglocity -> About' dialog now includes an entry field for putting in your new or update Serial License Key.

- A fix to the Help system to always allow the contents to show, whatever the browser version.

- Better display of 'inactive' tags after the demo has expired, to more clearly explain the restriction.

- Experimental support for other non-US locale versions of Outlook. We are not yet at the stage to be able to support these versions, but we've added some configuration settings that may help. We shall post in this forum an example to show the new support.

- Tag Aliases now work with the Tag Filter, in that results are returned in the TagFilter tool and Search Folders where you have set one of your tags to alias an Unknown Tag.

Thank you for your support. Please keep the ideas for new features coming to this forum, as you can see from above - we use many things from here to update Taglocity.

The main Taglocity Download page will be updated in the next 24 hours or so - if you want to try this version straight away, then you use the following download link:


Any comments or problems with this release then please email [email protected]

Note: You will not need to uninstall any existing versions before installing this version and all configuration is kept and migrated. If you do choose to uninstall then all configuration is kept safe regardless. Please ensure though that Outlook is shutdown completely before installing.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
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