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All about Taglocity. Bug reports, Feature Requests and General Chat

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Request:  Tags not visible in tag cloud

I'd like to start using enough tags that the tag cloud will become nearly useless.  It would be nice if there was a way to set a tag option that would keep it from being displayed in the cloud, unless it was already selected for a given message.
Ken Send private email
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Hi Ken,

The good news is that this has been implemented, and is awaiting the 1.0.5 that comes out 'real soon'. 1.0.5 has grown a little feature weighty, but it shouldn't be long out now.

The second part of your request, of only showing on the 'cloud if that message has it, requires a bit more thinking on my part as it's not easy to dynamically update the cloud like that and still get a nice update rate. At the moment only the fore/back colors flip, rather than the words jump around - let me think about that some more.

It sounds a bit like the QuickTag, as that is sometimes nicer for when you have to select from many, many tags.

Thanks for the feedback - always appreciated.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
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