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Any Other Search Engines Added Yet?

I just came across this product, and while it looks great, I really do not wish to install the MSN Toolbar nor WDS on my PC. I guess I should say, actually, that I will not install MSN TB or WDS. I presently use X1, and I also have the Copernic 2.0 Desktop Search installed. I need both of those, and adding another is pretty much out of the question. Due to disability, I must use Speech Recognition (SR) for input, and it works well with both X1 and Copernic DS. Since Microsoft is developing their own SR engine - though it is not-ready-for-primetime yet - and thus does not allow WDS to work well with other SR apps, it is pointless for me to install it.

I saw a thread from October 2006 where you mentioned you were actively working to support other desktop search engines. Have you managed to complete any yet? I imagine that Taglocity is not very effective without a supported desktop search available, so I have not downloaded nor installed it yet - no sense teasing myself!

Thanks, and I'm looking forward to being able to try Taglocity!

Jim McGowan
Jim McGowan Send private email
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Hi Jim,

Thanks for the question. A lot of what I wrote here may cover this:

In summary, we do still want to add more search engines but they don't either support Outlook 'Categories' or we are having trouble getting hold of the SDK to do so.

Also, one factor that does come up is that WDS has 'gone away' in Vista as it's in-built into the shipped operating system (or is part of Office 2007 distribution). This will obviously make WDS more popular in usage over time, as it's one less thing to download. I realize that Vista/Office 2007 is not for everyone though.

Personally, the WDS integration has been quite hard-work for us, in that version 2.5, 2.6 and now the 3.0 all changed a lot of their API's each time, so if I can get hold of X1 then I'm willing to update Taglocity to use it.

I'll keep trying with X1 and report back here if we get an answer. Anyone know a good contact there?
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sorry David - I have no contacts at X1. As they have now made X1 free, they charge for any support at all, so I cannot even get a response from them about anything unless I am willing to give them my credit card number... and that's not happening! Actually, Copernic has released an update to their Desktop Version 2 that has made it quite usable, so I now use Copernic Desktop Search as my PC's search engine of choice.

What can I actually do with Taglocity if I do not use WDS? I fear that it will be crippled enough to make it frustrating, but I might be way off the mark thinking that.

How "usable" is Taglocity without the WDS installed? What can I do and not do without WDS?

Thanks David. I really appreciate that you seem to take the time to respond to almost every post here!

One more comment - and please don't take it the wrong way: Any chance you will ever use a different forum format? I am having a lot of difficulty navigating this one - rather unique, to put it one way!

Thanks, Jim
Jim McGowan Send private email
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Hi Jim,

The TagSearch is an optional part of Taglocity, and that I have seen some users just use the TagFilter alone, and then turn those queries into an Outlook Search Folder - my advice would be to just give it a go and see if you like it!

As for the forum format, yes, it isn't anything I've grown to love. I'm looking at changing it over to something else, probably to something like phpBB2 - and if anyone has any particular bit of forum software they like then I'd love to hear it.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Sunday, January 21, 2007
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