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Taglocity for Outlook 2007 Beta 3 Expired?
I've put up a refresh to the Taglocity for Outlook 2007 beta 3 release, as you may soon get a message saying it has expired. This release will upgrade your version or can be used as a new install. All configuration is kept safe during the upgrade.
This beta 3 update extends the time for the beta program, plus has a number of improvements: - Tools are better sync'd in terms of tag status. - 'New' text bug fixed. - Built with Outlook 2007 RTM and VSTO SE RTM versions. You will need to download and install the VSTO SE 20005 runtime from Microsoft, as that still can't be included before Office/Vista officially ship to all. - Digital Signature emails support improved. - 'Reader' app improved. - Many, many beta bugs fixed - thanks to those for the feedback. The download can be found in the usual place here: http://www.taglocity.com/Download.htm Note that we do plan a beta 4, but as part of the 'unified release' that is still some time away. Thanks for your support! ![]()
It was tested as an uninstall beta 3 first / install beta 3.1, i.e. please uninstall your current version. Your tags and stats configuration will be kept safe regardless.
Having said that, the installer was 'flipped' to allow for an upgrade, so that might be fine too - it's just not how I tested it. ![]()
It looks like the install image built on Vista is not playing well with other earlier O/S's. I'm currently investigating, but it does look like a versioning issue.
In the interim you can download and install this: http://www.taglocity.com/releases/MergeModUpdate.zip ..as it resets your libraries back on XP/W2003. I'll take down the download till I've updated the main Beta 3.1. zip. Sorry about that Ken. ![]()
Ok, I've updated the main Downloads page with the new installer tweak for the Beta 3.X. I've tested the updated install on both XP and Vista images, but obviously if anyone gets any warnings/errors then please let us know.
It's recommended for this update that you do a clean uninstall / fresh install to go from Taglocity Beta 3.0 to the Beta 3.1. Your tags configuration will not be removed even if you go this path. Thanks for your patience. Looks like going to Vista as a dev platform was a little too early a decision... PS Also, just to make clear - this is a Taglocity 2007 Beta issue only, the mainline Taglocity for Outlook 2003 (currently 1.0.4) is not affected. ![]() |
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