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Watching your "From 9 till 2" blog


I'm just dropping a line to ask you to please update your blog whenever you release a version for Outlook 2007 on Vista. I know you've got something working in beta form (the Nov. 9 release), but I'm holding off until you reach the 1.0 mark and/or don't require a beta version of VSTO installed on the PC :)

Anyway, I'll be watching the blog via RSS, thanks.
Peter {faa780ce-0f0a-4c28-81d2-3667b71287fd} Send private email
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Yes, will do. Don't forget you can subscribe to this forum's feed too.

The T2007 1.0 will be taking a little longer than originally planned but there will be a lot more in it, plus a few things not yet seen in the Beta 3. There will be a Beta 4 quite soon as a stop gap, and that will use a RTM version of anything Microsoft related i.e VSTO SE.

The current thinking is to take a few more dev cycles and produce a single 'unified' version rather than the current beta program of having two split versions. This takes a bit more ground-work, but is ultimately better for everyone I think. Apologies for the delay so far.

PS If only more people would use a GUID as their surname, indexing tables would be much *so* much easier ;-)
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Sunday, January 07, 2007
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