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Compatibility to Jello.Dashboard

Hi David,

as mentioned a while ago, Taglocity is just great in helping me tagging and hence organizing everything.
Having said that, there is a nice tool out there (check ) which is very good in creating lists out of the data and it does this by using the categories of Outlook.

Unfortunately, Jello.Dashboard and Taglocity can live side by side, but they are not able to work together effectively. I tried playing around with the script of Jello, but to no avail. Main problem seems to be the different way, that special category entires a marked and parsed.

Please have a look at Jello.Dashboard and talk to the guy making it and see, if you two could figure out a way to have an improved compatibility between Taglocity and Jello.

Thanks a bunch
Patrick W. Julius Send private email
Friday, January 05, 2007
Hi Patrick,

I've left a message with the Jello people, so we'll see what happens next. I would imagine that it would be pretty simple to integrate.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Friday, January 05, 2007
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