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Tip: Spam and AutoTags

I get a lot of email spam. Much of it gets blocked at the ISP level, some of it at the Exchange Server and the Outlook Junk Filter on the client also works too.

But sometimes, even after all that, it seems to still get through, especially when spammers change tactics as they periodically do.

What I do now when I get a new type of spam 'outbreak' is set up a new AutoTag for it, with the TagAction rule to move it to the Junk Folder. Currently I have these three new tags:

- JunkStockSpam
- FakeBouncedMsgSpam
- HiddenImageSpam

Because the individual AutoTags train up independently of each other and each use the same base heuristics for their 'type' (i.e. mention a junk stock a few times) then I've found it really effective at making them 'go away'.

What is probably not well known is that you can use the free Taglocity version as an excellent spam filter - and the way it works will likely always be better than what you use now using a single algorithm/heuristics.

I've also added a new 'Tag Does Not Appear on TagCloud' option on the upcoming v1.0.5, so they won't even get in the way too.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Thursday, January 04, 2007
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