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Accessing Exchange mailbox from multiple computers w/Outlook


I setup my tags at home using taglocity logged in to my work Exchange server.  But when I loaded taglocity on my Outlook at work, none of the tags show up on in my tag cloud.

I couldn't even find an "export" option so I could upload a config file with all that tags.

Why isn't the taglocity configuration data just stored in a folder on the exchange server?  This would help with my situation.

This is pretty essential for me since I work from both places on a daily basis and a tool that only works from one location or tends to get out of sync is going to be very hard to use.

Overall, I love the concept and look forward to becoming a paying customer once I figure this out.

Irfan Send private email
Monday, December 18, 2006
Hi Irfan,

There are a few ways to keep separate Taglocity installations in-sync:

(1) Set up a Windows roaming profile, as that way your Windows accounts are kept in sync - this is how a few corporate Taglocity users do this. I realise this isn't for everyone though...

(2) Email yourself a message with all your tags selected on it (the public ones at least), as you can then use the 'Unknown Tags' feature to import then elsewhere, i.e. an 'Add All' click. Note that this doesn't transfer any AutoTag stats or other tag specific settings. See here: and look on the main Toolbar as a new button appears when tags aren't recognized as being local.

(3) Copy the following file to whichever local install you want to. Please note that Taglocity is licensed to 1 PC at a time, but can be activated more than once.

The tags configuration is in a local file stored here:

(RootDrive):\Documents and Settings\(YourUserName)\Application Data\IngBox Software\Taglocity

The file is called:


If you want to copy over all the acquired AutoTag statistics then you can also copy the 'Classifiers' directory too.

In general I do see what you mean though about the down-sides of local file, but the original reason for storing the config locally rather than in the exchange store were these:

(1) Not everyone has or uses Exchange.

(2) The AutoTag statistics for a number of tags can get quite large (i.e. megabytes) which would then use peoples email limits up.

I will put a new feature on the candidates list to move the 'tagsconfig' optionally into the exchange store, as I think that could be a good compromise - is that ok?

It would mean different PC's would have different AutoTag behaviour, but at least the config would always be in sync.

If anyone else would like this feature too then add to this thread, as it helps weigh what people are wanting.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Monday, December 18, 2006
Windows roaming profile are not an option for me.

Purchasing a new license for Taglocity for each of my machines isn't a problem.

> I will put a new feature on the candidates
> list to move the 'tagsconfig' optionally into
> the exchange store, as I think that could be a
> good compromise - is that ok?"

Your proposal for putting tagsconfig optionally into an exchange store sound like the right approach.

> It would mean different PC's would have
> different AutoTag behaviour, but at least
> the config would always be in sync.

But don't limit the user.  Allow the stats to live there also.  That way, users could at least try that feature out if they can afford the extra space.  For example, for me a few megs is not a big deal at all.

If this can be made to work such that my two clients can remain in sync ... you've got yourself a customer for at least two licenses right away :)

<random thoughts follow>
Finally, as a pie in the sky thing, you could even allow a sync to a website (yours?) option.  That way taglocity keeps its info (encrypted of course) on a remote server such that multiple outlook clients to the same mailbox can get stay in happy sync.  This would apply a few megs on an email store was too much to ask.  However, you might be able to come up with a business model for charging a nominal fee for something like this.  Might be useful in a team setting where statistics from a particular company's emailing behaviour can be captured for increased accuracy, for example.  Just a random idea.
Irfan Send private email
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
1 vote for storing tags (optionally) on the exchange store.

1 vote for licensing taglocity per user, and not per installation.  :)
Ken Cantrell Send private email
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I would vote for options to store both the tags config and the statistics to be stored on the exchange server.

This may solve a problem I would like to overcome, whereby I can maintain a work profile with tags & stats on the corporate exchange server and a personal profile with its own tags and stats on my personal exchange server.  (I personally use a hosted exchange server).

I am not seeing a lot of overlap between my work and personal email tags.  And even if I could magically combine the two accounts (people seem to be doing this with Gmail lately) the first thing I would do would to start tagging "personal" and "work" so that I could separate the two!

Separation seems right for work and personal email, but it doesn't seem right for my Calendar however, where, a majority of my time, I want one view (work and personal commitments) to rule my day....
John Brown Send private email
Saturday, December 23, 2006
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