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Initial Reaction: Del.icio.us has me spoiled
Is there some way to apply multiple tags to a message that may not be defined ?
If I hit Ctl-shift-Q for Quicktag and the tag does not exist, it looks like it ignores any new words that I might add as tags. Do I have to explicitly create new tags before I can use them ? If so it seems to really slow down the flow of conciousness / word association that makes del.icio.us almost transparent. Secondly, I'm having trouble with the use model where I apparently can add tags only when at the inbox level of Outlook and a message is selected, rather than when I am reading the message itself. Is this true ? A final question: Is there any way to back up in the tutorial to view an operation again ? That would help. I am intrigued by your product and get a lot of use out of del.ico.us each day - but having trouble making the leap. ![]()
Hi Andrew, thanks for the feedback.
(1) At the moment the QuickTag does ignore any unrecognized tag names. I agree that a nicer feature would be to be able just to add any that it doesn't recognize. The extra bit of work would be to put a 'Remember as Default Settings' on the 'New Tag' dialog, so that at least the defaults for the new tag were sensible (that's one problem del.icio.us doesn't have, in that each tag can have quite a few settings in Taglocity). I'll try and get this into the next update as I agree it's sorely needed for people from the del.icio.us world. (2) You should be able to see the TagBar in that window and have the ability to either use the tools windows on the main email editing/read window to tag. You can also have the QuickTag or TagCloud docked in the editing/read Outlook window too. See here for the 'Dock in New/Editor Window' - http://www.taglocity.com/help/ConfigTab5.htm or if you use Outlook 2007 you can use the ribbon buttons. (3) The Flash demo movie can be downloaded here if you want to play it in it's own player: http://www.from9till2.com/Taglocity-1-0.swf There are things like the free Flash players that allow for a forward/rewind control bar, although I haven't used it a lot - hope it helps: http://www.globfx.com/downloads/swfplayer/ Again, thanks for the feedback - it all helps, and we really want to improve the product to make it as smooth to use as possible. ![]() |
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