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Moving a message from one folder to another loses tags

The subject says it - I have a message with a tag and I move it (drag&drop) to another folder... bang, the tag is gone.

I'm currently using Outlook 2007 with an IMAP account - maybe that makes a difference compared with local folders or an Exchange account?
Oliver Sturm Send private email
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Hi Oliver,

Yes, by the looks of the log you sent in (thanks for that!) it does look related to IMAP support in the Outlook 2007 API.

I'll investigate this more and put any info I can find here on this thread.

Obviously it's not behavior we've seen before with the beta3 and Outlook 2007 so we want to recreate it here.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I hadn't actually sent the bug report log for this issue so far, but I have done so now.
Oliver Sturm Send private email
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
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