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Configure your Taglocity Folder Filters window - some problems

1. The Cancel button doesn't work

2. The window comes up "on top globally". For example, right now I have a browser window in the foreground that I'm typing this text in, but the Configure your Taglocity Folder Filters window stays in front of that browser window.
Oliver Sturm Send private email
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
3. It doesn't work at all. In fact, the behaviour is really crazy.
I have a tag called "conferences" that I have assigned to a number of messages in the current folder. I bring up the filter window and the tag is listed there, together with all the others.
I click the tag once and it gets a dark blue background. Nothing happens to the message list in the main window though.
I click the tag the second time and it turns yellow. Still nothing happening in the main window.
I click the tag for the third time and it turns red. Suddenly, the display in the main window changes in that

 a) All the "From" entries in the message list are replaced by what looks to me like two chinese characters. They are different for each message and sometimes one of them is a different weird character that doesn't look chinese.

 b) The "Subject" column is completely empty. Same for the "Size" column.

 c) The "Received" column shows "None".

I can still click the messages and so I can see that the list hasn't actually changed its content at all - these are the same unfiltered messages that were there before. Only the display in the message list is completely scrambled. I can only restore things by switching to a different folder in Outlook.
Oliver Sturm Send private email
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Hi Oliver,

Thanks for the feedback on the beta, again I assume you are using the Taglocity beta3 on Outlook 2007.

Could you submit a bug report on this beta3 from within the application please (Taglocity/Report a Bug)?

By the sounds of your filter error it may be the case that you're not using Outlook 2007 under the US/English locale? It's not a bug that we've seen yet, so we are keen to see it here.

The bug submission log will help us determine what is happening underneath and we can update the beta4.

Thanks for your feedback.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Sent the report. Yes, you're right - this is all about beta 3 for 2007. I'm using an English/UK locale with a US/Dvorak keyboard setting, if that makes any difference.
Oliver Sturm Send private email
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
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