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Some Outlook 2007 problems


Wednesday, December 13, 2006
No how did my question end up being nearly completely empty? I have no idea really. Anyway, I always copy all the text to my clipboard before posting a web form, so here is what I actually wrote:

I'm trying out Taglocity in Outlook 2007 (haven't used it before) and I'm seeing two problems so far:

 1. The tag cloud window (probably the others as well) can't be docked to the lower border to occupy the area of the message list, the way it's shown in the tutorial screencast. As soon as I dock the window to the lower border, it occupies the full width of the Outlook window.

 2. The Ctrl+Q shortcut for quick tagging doesn't work, so I have to use the mouse instead.

I assume these are both compatibility issues, but while they are pretty small, they are rather inconvenient.

Another thing is that the QuickTag window doesn't seem to comfortable to me so far - I would envision bringing it up with a keystroke (okay, that's supposed to work although it doesn't for me), type a tag or two, hit return and the window should go away. Maybe I'm missing something, but the window seems to stay up, which I don't really like.

Thanks, Oliver
Oliver Sturm Send private email
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Hi Oliver,

Thanks for the feedback to Taglocity Beta3 for Outlook 2007.

(1) The docking in Outlook 2007 is different, and for our Beta 4 we're leaving the docking as it is.

(2) This beta does not have any keyboard shortcuts enabled due to changes in the way Outlook 2007 works - we hope to fix those for the beta 4.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
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