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Tags using rules

Is it possible to assign tags using rules? I already have rules that send messages to various folders, but I could also tag them (when they stay in "inbox") if possible.

Is this doable? already possible and I missed it somehow?

R Jamya Send private email
Friday, December 08, 2006

Yes the tags can be assigned with Outlook rules.

In Outlook 2003 you just set the 'Category' field in the rule as the result action, i.e.

"Apply this rule after the message arrives
  assign it to the 'category' category"

..where you can select the tag(s) by clicking 'category' where you get a selection list.

Taglocity 'shadows' each new tag (within a '[token]' format) to the Outlook Master Categories list, so you should just be able to select it from there.

Note that there are some disadvantages to this, as in the AutoTag won't learn the content or the 'counts' of things tags may drift out but it's as an ok workaround. Often it's better to train up an 'AutoTag' to replace the in-built rule as it can act 'smarter' - but it depends on what sort of content you get.

In Outlook 2007 the Rules engine is open via an API so we can fix this restriction, but for Outlook 2003 the in-built rules are 'closed' to outside hooks.

Hope this helps and thanks for using Taglocity.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Friday, December 08, 2006
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