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Default Task Form

I have some custom task forms based on posts from GTDWannabe ( ) to add in Project names. 

Even though I have changed the default task form in Outlook, my task actions in Taglocity, still use the original task form and not the custom task form.

Is Taglocity hardcoded to specifically call (by file name) to call the original task form?

BTW: Love Taglocity! Showing up to everyone.

Any help?

Ross Warren
Ross Warren Send private email
Monday, December 04, 2006
Hi Ross,

Thanks for the feedback - appreciated!

The Task form for a TagAction using the underlying  simple API to create a 'New Task'. It doesn't specify any particular form, as the API is generic for things like Mail, Meetings, Contacts etc.

I'll take a look to see if the underlying Outlook API allows a particular form to be specified and comment back here.

If it does then it would be a good candidate to add as a 'TagAction Task setting'.

Thanks again for the feedback.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Monday, December 04, 2006
Yes, Outlook does has an API way to take the form file and then use it to create a new item.

If you contact [email protected] then I can set the ball rolling on getting this looked at for the next update.

Would you be willing to 'trial' this new feature to make sure we get it right? That would certainly help.

It looks like it would need a file path name + form name, and could possibly use this as a setting for a 'Use as Task TagAction Default Form'.

PS Are you on Outlook 2003 or Outlook 2007?
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Monday, December 04, 2006
Thanks for the quick response.

Adding a task specific action for different tags, would be very interesting :)

In the end I could just copy my form over the original file, backing up the original form.

The VB that Im using right now is based on GTDWannabe's Code

Dim templatePath As String
    templatePath = "C:\Documents and Settings\ross.warren\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\GTDTaskForm.oft"
    ' Variables for old and new tasks
    Dim myOldTaskItem As Outlook.TaskItem
    Dim myNewTaskItem As Outlook.TaskItem

    ' Hook into the currently viewed task (note that the task has to be open)
    Set myOldTaskItem = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
    'myItem.Close olSave
    ' Create a new task from my task template
    Set myNewTaskItem = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate(templatePath)

Make sense?

Ross Warren
Ross Warren Send private email
Monday, December 04, 2006
Wrote to support.

Of course I would be willing to test this out. Im used to testing software.

BTW. Outlook 2003, until I deploy 2007 across the corporation.

Ross Warren
Ross Warren Send private email
Monday, December 04, 2006
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