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1.0.4- Renaming Tags: Some funnies

Hi David,

I have decided to change my approach to tagging, so I am renaming a number of tags (10-15 of them).

NOTE: most of the tags are only assigned to between 1 and 30 tasks.

So - I renamed the tags as fast as I could, ie: whenever I got control back from the 'renaming' dialog, I started the next one.

What happened:

1) The first one took a real long time, ie: 1-2 mins.  The Rename dialog disappeared, and off to the races. (maybe no surprise there)
2) the second and third were really fast, returning from the rename dialog in seconds.
3) about the 4th one, it looks like outlook received an email at the same time.  Autotags are on, and it all seemed to slow down.  The 'rename' dialog didn't disappear.  However, after a minute or so, I could click back on the config window, select another to rename... so I did.  The Rename dialog refreshed showing the most recent tag info.
4) For the next couple of renames, the rename dialog didn't even go away, but I did get returned to the Configure window quickly.
5) After a couple more, the Rename dialog started disappearing when things were complete.

<sigh> Needless to say, not everything got converted over. So I did a little manual clean up.

TimK Send private email
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Thanks for the feedback Tim.

I've got some things we can try and I've sent you an email to kick that off.

One potential area might be if your PST files are a little large (2gb+), as I have seen Outlook have problems with its inbuilt 'Find' API (that we use inside Taglocity) if you have large amounts of data.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Friday, November 17, 2006
Thanks David,

Yep- guilty as charged on the large PST file.  I guess this would be just another good reason to split it up a bit.

I'll follow up with the email.

TimK Send private email
Monday, November 20, 2006
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