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Toolbars on emails (replies, etc)

My apologies if I am missing something obvious. Searched but did not find.

I can not seem to lose (or Move) the toolbar on email creation windows. I originally wanted the toolbar on the side of new email creation I just want it to go away. Customizing and removing the toolbar does not work. The toolbar reappears when I start a new it user error ?
Rob Send private email
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Hi Rob,

No, you aren't doing anything wrong. I've just tried it and it looks like it's fixed for each new window, as in, it puts it back even if you closed it the last time.

I agree that this isn't ideal and should be fixed, and I've raised a bug/change and will get it into the next update, hopefully within a couple of weeks time.

Thanks for letting us know.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
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