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1.0.4 Issue


I uninstalled version 1.0.3 via the control panel.  I installed version 1.0.4.  All my tags are gone and it thinks I am running a trial version.  I tried copying my tagsconfig.xml to "C:\Documents and Settings\manders\Application Data\IngBox Software\Taglocity" and still have the same problems.  Actually, the application is dumping the contents of the tagsconfig.xml file.  Any ideas?


Mike Anderson Send private email
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Hi Mike,

The tagsconfig.xml for v1.0.4 is created if one doesn't exist when Outlook is first run. When Outlook shuts down it saves the file out too (plus for certain config changes it can also save while Outlook is running).

The install should have copied the file across to the new location, and it looks like it failed.

Is it possible that you are copying the file with Outlook running and then Outlook is overwritting it (empty) when exiting?

Also, is this what you mean by the dumping?
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I made sure that Outlook.exe was not running via task manager.  I performed the task multiple times.  After copying the file I verified the contents.  Upon restarting Outlook I am prompted with the Demo Period Expiration message followed by the Welcome to Taglocity message.  I have pressed both OK and Cancel to both messages.  Either way the contents of the tagsconfig.xml are overwritten (yes, this is what I meant by dumped) with an empty file.  I am going to try to turn diagnostics on, exit Outlook, copy the file, and restart.  I will forward the resulting log file if created.

Mike Anderson Send private email
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Well, I uninstalled 1.0.4 and reinstalled 1.0.3 and my tags are working.

Mike Anderson Send private email
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I have the same problem. I just upgraded today. I believe my previous version was 1.0.2something.

There are no tags registered with taglocity, and it says my trial license expired.

Some of my tag data appears to still exist...e.g. when I view categories on a message I previously tagged it still has the corresponding category checked.

Suggestions welcome.
Neils Christoffersen Send private email
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
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