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All about Taglocity. Bug reports, Feature Requests and General Chat

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Moving outlook setup

I am in the process of moving my outlook to a different machine. I have lot of tags in my current outlook setup.
How can I move my taglocity setup also to my new outlook destination ?
Pankaj Agarwal Send private email
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I didnt see the post about moving tagsconfig.xml.
so just wanted to mention that I tried this..however it did not work. My emails are not associated with tags and my license is still not re-activted.

-Thanks in advance
Pankaj Agarwal Send private email
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Hi Pankaj,

The forum instructions need to be updated if you are using the v1.0.4 and upwards, as the tagsconfig and Classifiers directory locations have been changed. This was to bring them in line with how Vista likes to manage it's file permissions.

The new location is in (RootDrive):/Documents and Settings/(YourUserName)/Application Data/IngBox Software/Taglocity

If you copy your files to that new location then you should be able to run on the new computer. There is a limit on the number of new computer activations.

If you have any problems with this then please feel free send me an email and I can help.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 works.
Pankaj Agarwal Send private email
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I also just moved computers ...Now, only a few of the tags in the tag cloud are clickable.  What information should I collect to help debug this further?

Irfan Send private email
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
For example, the following tag is no longer clickable/assignable:

- <Tag>
  <shadowInUserProperty />
  <shortcutAccessKey />
  <monitorFolders />
  <unknownAliases />
  <tagActionMoveToFolder />
  <tagActionCopyToFolder />
  <tagActionSetTagOn />
  <tagActionSetTagOff />
  <tagActionReminder />
  <tagActionCreateTask />
  <tagActionCreateMail />
  <tagActionCreateAppointment />
  <tagActionCreateMeeting />
Irfan Send private email
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Hi Irfan,

It looks like your license has not transfered or has expired, as that's a sign of running in Personal Edition mode (the free one).

Could you send in a bug report with the 'Taglocity -> Report a Bug' menu option and I'd be happy to take a look.

There are some pointers to this in the help here:
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Yes, David.  Indeed that was the problem.  Thanks.
Irfan Send private email
Thursday, January 04, 2007
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