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Idea for BB users?

I'm going to trial Taglocity again, but would like to ask a question first that affects us Blackberry users....

I understand that there is an option to take a tag and convert it to an Outlook category. This is a great way to get the tag to a BB (or other PDA).

What happens when a new task is created on the BB? Is there a way to have the category selected linked back to the tag?
If not, is there a way I can see any Outlook items that have a "[xx]" Category selected but no tags?

I guess I can always create a special category called "New Item", and filter on these once I synch my BB back to Outlook, but it sounds kludgy.

Thanks for the input....
David G Send private email
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Hi David,

Taglocity by default always puts the assigned tag into the Outlook category field of an Outlook item (email, task etc).

To mark it as a 'tag' for Taglocity, it has to be within square brackets, i.e. [tag1] otherwise it just ignores/preserves it.

When you create a Taglocity tag and then look in the Outlook categories 'master' list you will find it recreated there too - they are always kept in sync.

One way that would work well with a Blackberry is to create your BB categories the same as your Outlook/Taglocity categories, and then the import/sync will match up with Taglocity. I reused the category field for the exact reasons like this, so it should work well.

One other benefit of this (as an aside) is that you can use the built-in Outlook rules engine to set/unset the tags, as they can just use the 'Category' inbuild Outlook field.

Does this sound ok?
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Thursday, November 02, 2006
So if I understand you correctly, if I assign a new task created on my BB to a category that is in brackets, it will autmomatically be "tagged" with that corresponding tag once synched back to Outlook (ie I do not have to add the tag after)?

That's great! The other product I'm using (ClearContext) does not support that type of functionality.

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Yep, that's the way it works.

If you want to create a new tag type, i.e. not a tag used before in your Outlook, then just create a '[tagname]' category in the Blackberry, and when it syncs back to Outlook then Taglocity will show a 'Unknown Tag' button on it's toolbar. This button shows when a tag comes in that isn't in your local tags collection, and you can press it to choose to add locally (or alias to another tagname etc..)
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Excellent! Thanks.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
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