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Move to folder tag action

I have set up a move to folder tag action on most of my tags.
It works grate for email, but I am having a problem when I try to tag a task or an appointment.
When I do this, taglocity saves the item as an attachment to an email, copies the content of the item to the body of the email and saves the email in the Drafts folder.

Can "move to folder" action apply to emails only, and not to tasks, appointments and meeting requests?
Arkadiy Goykhberg Send private email
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Hi Arkadiy

I'll look into some more, but a quick looks shows that tasks etc moved to a folder under the inbox (say, one of your own folders) seems to want it turned into a draft email.

Taglocity 'underneath' doesn't treat the task or appointment any different, it just takes the 'item' and attempts to put it into the chosen folder - so this might be a restriction that Outlook enforces, i.e. can you without Taglocity put a task item into one of those folders?
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Actually, I don't want to put the tasks/appointments/etc in the folder specified in the action. I would like the move action to work only for the emails. For all other items, if I click on the tag in the cloud, I would like taglocity to ignore this action.

I tag appointments, tasks, etc so they would show up in the tag search folders. I use search folders with custom filters and sort/group settings extensively to implement GTD workflow (specifically weekly project review).

I will write how I use taglocity to implement GTD at length some other day.

I really like one click tag/file combination for email.

Unfortunately, for tasks/appointments/etc I have to set the category "manually" by clicking on the category button and selecting the appropriated categories/tags, so the actions would not run. Obviously it's not as convenient as clicking on the tags in the tag cloud.
Arkadiy Goykhberg Send private email
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Thanks Arkadiy, I understand now.

I'll look at adding this as an option on the Move Action - it should be relatively easy to do.

Thanks for the suggestion.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Did this req made it to the 1.04 release?
Arkadiy Goykhberg Send private email
Friday, November 10, 2006
Hi Arkadiy - No, I'm afraid not, the UI config part ran over and out of time.

Would you be interested in trying it out in a few weeks though as an 'early peak' to see if it works ok for you?

The UI was not done in time but the underlying mechanism is there. If you are ok with a small config file edit to tweak the feature 'on' then we could do it like that?

Either respond here or send me an email and we'll set something up.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Friday, November 10, 2006
David, thanks for the quick reply.

Modifying config file is fine.

And I will gladly test this for you.

I can test it on Office 2003 and office 2007 B2.

Arkadiy Goykhberg Send private email
Friday, November 10, 2006
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