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Feature requests (TagActions) and some bugs
Hi David,
on my quest for the perfect tool to organize my GTD workflow in Outlook, I stumbled across Taglocity a couple of days ago. THIS is the perfect thing. I love it. I actually bought a license already. Having said that, I have a couple of problems, so here it goes. TagActions: Great concept, but some work necessary. 1) Introduce the option to perform the action, but not attach the tag to the original item and /or the new item made by the tagAction Reason: Say I get an e-mail, that I need to delegate, I would usually have two actions performed on that. a) Forward the mail to whomever has to deal with it, but I would prefer that the tag "Delegated" could not be seen by the recipient b) make a task for me to follow up later on that an see if it was dealt with accordingly Another example would be an action to just move an item to an folder. A very nice functionality, that you are offering here, but having a tag (say "folderA") that moves an e-mail to folderA is just enough. Having the "folderA" also tagged to that e-mail would be overkill, because it resides in that folder anyway. 2) For the Action "Create E-Mail", it should be offer the user the choice, if an answer or a forwarding shall be created. 3) New Action "Defer" (have mail disappear an reappear after a defined period of time or at a specific point of time) See how ClearContext has solved that. 4) The tagActions should differentiate, on what kind of item they are used and behave accordingly. For example it would be nice, that a certain action on an unsent e-mail takes place only after sending. 5) Lose quicktag. Instead just build that functionality into tagCloud!!!!! 6) If I try to send an e-mail, which has no tags set yet, Taglocity should warn me and ask what tag to be set for this mail. 7) Support for German Umlauts (ÄÖÜ äöü) 8) Changes to an existing tag leads to the question if I want to update and warns, that it might need some time. Well, I let it sit for 30 min, just to update two items with the tag in question, and It only updated one of those and was still showing the hourglass. Something fishy here. 9) Toggling on and off of tags for an item works rather erratically. In the list view, clicking on the cloud, it usually does work, but not from the buttons on the tagbar. In Inspector view, only the tagbar buttons do work. From the cloud I can set a tag, but not remove it. Again, I really love the concept and it has changed my way of working already tremendously. Keep up the good work and keep updates coming. Best regards Patrick ![]()
Thanks for the feedback Patrick.
I'll do a proper reply tomorrow, but wanted to let you know your comments are appreciated. ![]()
Hi Patrick,
Here's some comments - thanks again for the feedback and bug reports, they really do help influence what comes next... (1) You can workaround not setting the tag by adding an 'unset' action on the tag that starts it off, i.e. for my 'Delegate' tag I had a 'unset Delegate' and 'Create Email' actions. The new mail is then created without the 'Delegate' tag. Also, it might be worth considering making the 'Delegate' tag a 'private tag', as that way others won't see it. (2) Good idea. I'll add that to the Mail options for the action. Do you think it needs to be 'per tag' or global? (3) Yes, that request comes in quite a lot and it looks inevitable that we'll do a 'Defer' action. (I'll let you into a secret too ;-) as if you look in your 'tagsconfig.xml' settings file you'll see a 'tagActionReminder' setting per tag... (4) I do like that, but it can get quite complicated. Do you have any examples of where you'd like to use it? (5) I have some people tell me to lose the cloud as they love quicktag! Don't forget that you can always click in to focus any tagcloud and press the first letter of the tag - that will highlight them all, plus allow you to TAB/SPACE select them... (6) Yes, working on this - good feature. (7) I'll add that into the next build - so far Taglocity is behind in it's language support and I hope to catch up pretty soon, so keep requests like this coming. (8) Yes, an existing bug and that area is being reworked. Underneath it uses the Outlook 'Search' feature, and for some people and there .PST files it seems to 'hang'. (9) Sounds like a windows focus problem. If you are on the latest (1.0.3 at this point) then please send in a 'Taglocity->Report a Bug' when this happens - I'd love more info to try and track this down.. Thanks for the kinds words, and hopefully the 1.4 update will be out quite soon, and its got some real surprises in it too! :-) ![]() |
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