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Feature request: message followup

One of Taglocity's competitors has a nice feature. It works as follows:

Tag a message for followup in x days.
If a reply comes before x days, the followup disappears.
If not, the user is informed to follow up.

I think this is a great idea as an enhancement to a simple followup.

Any possibility it could be added to Taglocity?
John Gallagher Send private email
Saturday, October 14, 2006
It's a good idea, and I'll put it on the candidates list.

If you want to experiment with the tags you can create an interesting 'follow up' setup using the tag actions. Here's how I set mine up to track follow ups as an experiment:

(1) Create three tags called 'FollowUpCreate', 'FollowUpRequired' and 'FollowedUp'.

(2) Set the TagActions on 'FollowUpCreate' to set the tag 'FollowUpRequired' and to unset itself.

(3) Set the TagActions on 'FollowUpRequired' to set 'FollowedUp' and to unset itself. Make sure the 'Auto'  tickboxes are also set for this tag, so the actions run when Taglocity automatically classifies or scans new items.

You then tag anything you want a follow up on with 'FollowUpCreate' before you send and then when you get a reply you'll get the message automatically tagged with 'FollowedUp'.

I then use the TagSearch (plus a data range) or an inbuilt Outlook Search Folder to look for 'FollowUpRequired' - if I find any then I know that I haven't received anything that has followed up on this thread. This was just playing around, and I'll look into it some more...
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Monday, October 16, 2006

As we both know I am looking at your product and ClearContext. They are the ones with this feature.

What they do is create a Task due by a certain date for the followup on the message in question. They recognize a response to the message to clear the Task. If no response arrives the Task becomes due.

This seems to me to be more natural. The followup is indeed a task that I must perform if necessary.

John Gallagher Send private email
Friday, October 20, 2006
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