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detect & repair on Outlook 2003 killed Taglocity!!


I did a detect & repair - and when i opened Outlook after a reboot, it was as if Taglocity was installing itself for the first time... the opening screen came up... And although my Outlook Items still have all the Categories (the square bracketed type from Taglocity tags), Taglocity does not reconize that any tags exist, so it is indeed as if I have installed it for the first time - and it has no existing tags.

What am I supposed to do with this?

Ian Goldsmid Send private email
Friday, October 13, 2006
Hi Ian,

I've responded to your email too, so we can investigate it that way. First thing I'd want to do is recreate that here.

As a potential solution, if (and only if) any config has been lost, is that you can do the following:

(1) Select any Outlook items that have been tagged, i.e. batch select say 50.

(2) Use the TagBar 'Unknown Tags' button. The feature is usually where you receive tags from other people that you don't have.

(3) You'll see a list of Taglocity Tags that isn't in the current configuration. You can use the 'Add All' button to add them to your local set.

You will need to reconfigure any colors/AutoTag etc settings you had on each tag though.

I'd advise waiting so we can see what happened during the Office Detect & Repair.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Friday, October 13, 2006
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