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All about Taglocity. Bug reports, Feature Requests and General Chat

Please feel free to put any sort of Taglocity comments in this forum. If it starts to grow too big then we can split it up into different areas.

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Trial Limitations

What exactly are the trial limitations of Taglocity? 

I am running the trial, but certain things don't seem to be working but i am not sure if this is because it is a trial or a bug.

1. No search facility (see post below)
2. Cannot dock the tag cloud within outlook (only available as a pop up)
3. Cannot filter on all of my tags.  I have 15 defined, all of which have content.  If i try and filter on 1 of my tags that i know has only 4 items i cannot select it in the tag filter window.

First impressions are of a fantastic idea, but very poor execution, and very buggy.

Andy Spamer Send private email
Friday, October 13, 2006
Hi Andy,

The TagSearch and the Docking sound all related to same underlying problem you have with Taglocity, and we'll try to sort that out with your log trace file.

The only restrictions on Personal edition is the number of active tags.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Friday, October 13, 2006
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