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Windows Desktop Search (Ughh!)
I was just waxing lyrical to myself about how wonderful Taglocity is - almost at the point of converting from trial to purchase - when I noticed that tagsearch requires Windows Desktop Search... To be honest I think Windows Desktop Search sucks - and would go to almost any lengths to avoid having it on my machine.. Are you planning to enable tagsearch via Google Desktop Search or any other alternatives? Are or will there other ways around using tagsearch without having to go down the dreaded Windows Desktop Search route? Thanks, Ian Goldsmid ![]()
Hi Ian,
The intention is to support more than Windows Desktop Search. The new search/indexing viewers have been going slower than I wanted for a couple of reasons: - Google Desktop has an SDK but *still* doesn't index the email Category field, despite storing some pretty obscure ones on other data already (if this was music rather than email then I can select by Bitrate or Artist, but no metadata at all for email...). GDS was meant to add this for their 4.0 but it went missing, and I was waiting for it to do the viewer. - X1 does index Categories and has an SDK, but the SDK is only given out to 3rd parties 'on demand' (which seems like a terrible idea, IMO). So far my six emails haven't generated enough demand apparently. Not a good sign. - Copernicus has an SDK but doesn't index Categories. Again, they seem to index a lot of other things, so maybe their next version will include it? - Windows Desktop Search 3.0 has made it into the Vista O/S, and is certainly baked into Office/Outlook much deeper in Office 2007. The WDS 3.0 API has an SDK and indexes Categories - plus has a decent notification model. It looks like Windows Desktop Search is getting more widespread all the time. Other alternatives I could explore would be building up our own index hash for searching tags (seems such a shame with so much better things to work on) or running the tag search query over the original Outlook search API, with the problem of that being that it's momentously slow. If I've missed a desktop search product that indexes categories then let me know - the integration code to put one in is pretty small and I can see why people would be WDS-adverse. ![]()
Hi David
Fair enough - I understand your logic... I have to say now that Taglocity is good enough to overcome my "fear and loathing" of WDS. One further question. Although I have tried Office 2007 for a couple of months, I have reverted back to 2003 - as 2007 is still too buggy, most especially in Outlook & OneNote. I found that performance was poor, and Outlook 2007 would never shut pst files down properly so they would alsways have to be laboriously checked everytime I would open Outlook 2007. Anyway enough of that... The question is: In terms of adding new bells and whistles to Taglocity (at least between now and March 2007 when I may buy Outlook 2007 assuming it performs better) - will you also be adding any new and exciting functionality to the Outlook compatible 2003 version as well as for 2007? Thanks, Ian ![]()
The plan is to keep all versions at the same feature set. At the moment they are all built from the same code base, where it spits out two installers for the specific versions. It would be possible to do a 'unified binary' thing, but that can be left till after the OL2007 beta period to keep things simple. Here's how I see it: The Outlook 2007 is important to keep current as people that gravitate to new things might buy Taglocity. The Outlook 2003 (and back) is important as this makes up the vast majority of people with Office installed. That'll be the case for a long time yet, I think. So, basically it is in Taglocity's best interests to do both at the same level of feature set. ![]() |
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