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R1.0.2: TagCloud - Docked: Not synching with the email list


The docked tagcloud (on the right) seems to intermittently synch/ not synch with the email list. 

Steps to Reproduce:

(Note: since it is intermittent, it takes a little playing to get it to break)

1) Set up the tag cloud as docked.
2) bounce around the email list - it seems to keep in synch.
3) open one of the emails (docked tag cloud opens in window)
4) close the email
5) bounce around the list: the tagcloud doesn't synch up
6) Close and reopen tagcloud.  It synchs again.

TimK Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Thanks Tim.

Yes, I've been spending some hours trying to recreate this and I think I've found it.

It looks like a timing issue, which is why it was hard for me to reproduce, plus didn't show in any automated test cases.

I've updated the code to stop this (i.e. some 'No, I really do mean this window, now get one with it' stuff ;-).

I've emailed you an updated patch. If it works well for you then I'll put out the 1.0.3 update today. Let me know eiter here or via reply.

Thanks for the report.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Friday, October 06, 2006
Ok, I've uploaded an update for this issue, R1.0.3, as the fix looks good.

It can be found from the main Taglocity Download page.

As I am not sure how may people are seeing this issue I've left the update notification off for this one. If I get a lot of queries on the problem then I can flip that later.

The trucks in the internet tubes seem to be going slowly tonight, so expect the upload to finish to all the server by the end of 6th Oct GMT.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Friday, October 06, 2006
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