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Bug (Feature?): Search Folders in wrong place

Because of internal restrictions on how much mail can be kept in our Exchange-based Mailbox, I archive ALL of my mail to a separate Archive File. I keep it open in Outlook and whenever I want to find old mail (many times a day) I open this one folder and use the 'Filter' feature to find what I want.

I've created 10+ search folders for frequently used tags. I would have more except when I use the "Create a Search Folder from this Filter" button on your Filter Dialog, it creates the Search Folder in my main Mailbox -- NOT the archive in which the folder at which I'm currently viewing lives.

Hope that makes sense -- I can clarify if necessary.

Scott P Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Hi Scott,

This looks like an Outlook restriction that I haven't found a way around yet:

The workaround is to copy the query from the Search folder and recreate the folder where you want too.

David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
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