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Workaround to Run Beta 1 for OL2007 on Vista

If you have been running this beta in Vista with UAC enabled you are, like me, encountering problems where updates are not being done, etc. You need to run OL2007 As Administrator to get around this.
John Gallagher Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Thanks for that John.

I'm working away on updating the location of one of the stored files, it's causing UAC to fire.

I'll post an updated build ASAP, but in the mean time this is a good workaround...
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
I would like to add a warning to the above. I do not know what is causing it - but I am having more frequent OL2007 problems. I say I do not know because OL2007 (including BTR) is notorious for the problem I am having. I am getting a message that files were not properly closed when I start OL2007BTR. It then takes quite a while to check and/or fix the file. I have not lost any data due to this.

I would remind everyone to do what they should be doing anyway: take plenty of backups of your PST files if they contain needed information while testing beta software - whether it is Outlook or Taglocity or anything else.

It might be a good idea if you are running in Vista to wait for David's fix where you do not need to run as administrator as well.
John Gallagher Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
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