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All about Taglocity. Bug reports, Feature Requests and General Chat

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Issues with

Outlook 2007 (beta) (12.0.4407.1004) MSO (12.0.4407.1005) BETA

Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 sp 2 build 2600 running on VMWare Workstation 5.0

1) After the initial install, there were no taglocity windows in the main outlook form at all.  Nothing docked or undocked; no visible evidence that Taglocity was installed.  Individual messages showed the taglocity ribbon bar and showed the tag cloud and quick tags box.  A reinstall (with the "repair" option) added the taglocity cloud window to the main outlook screen, but still didn't provide the quick tags.  Closing outlook and re-opening it again added the quick tags box.  I'm tempted to just keep opening and closing it to see what else appears!  :)

2) Tag cloud in the main UI doesn't update.  The tag cloud in each message is current, but the tag cloud in the main UI only has tags that existed when Outlook was started.

3) This may be a RTFM, but I have no idea what the "Tagline" button does.  Having it selected (or unselected) has no visible effect at all.

4) The "new tag" label on the Taglocity QuickTag box doesn't say "new tag", but instead says "`  )".  It works though.
Ken Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Hi Ken

> 1) After the initial install, there were no taglocity windows in the main outlook form at all.

Did you see a new toolbar or was there nothing at all? By design we turned off all the docked windows until the new user wants to use them - seems like the least invasive thing to do, we can review that though...

>2) Tag cloud in the main UI doesn't update.

Just to check what you mean, do you mean that when you add new tags then they don't appear on the cloud? One way to 'reset' the cloud for this bug (I need to go check this out) would be to go into the Config and tweak a redraw, i.e. move an order or a tag etc. It might also be a bug in one way to add a tag (i.e. via the 'New' link on TagCloud doesn't work but 'New Tag' on the menu bar does etc...

>3) This may be a RTFM, but I have no idea what the "Tagline" button does.  Having it selected (or unselected) has no visible effect at all.

A tagline is a line of text added to outgoing messages to allow them to (a) send on your tags and (b) you get your tags back in any replies. It's a simple way of ensuring the tags travel ok and is settable in the Config->TravelingTags tab. There is also a FM entry too. :-)

>4) The "new tag" label on the Taglocity QuickTag

I had trouble recreating this, but I think it's related to a font rendering problem. Does you have cleartype enabled? I'll try a few more combinations to see why it doesn't 'repaint'.

Thanks for the feedback!
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Feel free to instruct me on a better way to do reply/response within the forum.  This might start getting messy.  For now, I'll mostly just use the numbering from above, w/o recopying everything.

1) No toolbar, no menu items, no windows (docked or otherwise).  Even now I have no menu items and no toolbars in the main outlook UI.  It'll take some effort to black out all the names/email subjects, but I could give a screenshot if it would help. 

Messages have a ribbon, so that's good.  :)

2) Correct.  When new tags are added, either via the quicktag window or the tag cloud window (in either the main UI or a message window), the tag cloud in the main UI stays exactly the same.  It shows the tags that existed when Outlook was started, but no others.

> One way to 'reset' the cloud for this bug (I need to
> go check this out) would be to go into the Config and
> tweak a redraw, i.e. move an order or a tag etc.

Tried that, no effect.

> It might also be a bug in one way to add a tag
> (i.e. via the 'New' link on TagCloud doesn't work
> but 'New Tag' on the menu bar does etc...

:) I have no menu entries for Taglocity at all.  All ways of adding tags that I HAVE found show the same behavior in this regard. 

4) I did have cleartype enabled.  I disabled it, no change, it still renders badly.
Ken Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Oh, the lack of the toolbar makes it sound pretty ill indeed.

Could you send in a diagnostics logfile to [email protected] please so I can take a detailed look?

As you haven't got a toolbar, and can't hit the 'Report a Bug' option, then we'll have to do this manually.

There should be a file called 'Taglocity.dll.offlog4net' in your Taglocity installation directory. Please shutdown Outlook, rename this to 'Taglocity.dll.log4net' and restart Outlook.

A text file called 'IngBox-log-file.txt' should be created, and will record Outlook's actions.

If you could email in this file then it will help a lot.

Also, there is a utility called 'TaglocityDiagnostics.exe'  in your Taglocity installation folder. If you start Outlook, run this tool and then email in that additional log then that will help too.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
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