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Beta 1 for OL2007 - Unable to set Tag from Toolbar

I do not know if this relates to my install problem (where I was unable to register MAPIPROP.DLL under Vista). I am unable to set a tag via the Toolbar (i.e. click on the unassigned red button).
Here is what happenned:
1. I clicked on the red button.
2. I entered a tag name: Test
3. I clicked off Auto Tag.
4. I left the color red.
I clicked OK.

The button still shows unassigned. If I click on it, it now shows the next color: blue. If I go to create a Test tag, I cannot create a new "Test" one. If I go to the Tag Cloud, there is nothing there.

I tried to do this via a Bug but it always shows the logger to be OFF regardless of how many times I click the button.
John Gallagher Send private email
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Oh, that does sounds quite sick - the install couldn't have completed properly, and some files may have gone astray.

Let me send you an updated installer (via your email), and we can see if the MAPIPROP library problem is at the root of the problem or not.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
OK - I'll uninstall now and await the new package.

I figured I might be the first Vista install when you mentioned that you were just getting to it yourself. (I don't know too many folks anxious to do beta on beta on beta).
John Gallagher Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
There is a reason for the problems under Vista. It is UAC. If you run with it enabled, you need to "Run as Administrator"  for OL2007. Then this problem goes away.
John Gallagher Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
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