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Problems with autotag
I'm having problems with AutoTag - I found one Tag kept accumulating unrelated email. So I set autotag on it to off. Then the next Tag in sequence accumulates the unrelated email. What are the options and rules that AutoTag uses?
The default 'AutoTags' in Taglocity 1.0 are a 'first pass the post' algorithm, in that they find the one with the best match with the new email content (based on what information they have been trained with already) and flip that single one 'on'.
You can try at least two things to help tune this: (1) Thresholds. Put up the thresholds of the tags that are 'misfiring', i.e. raise the 'Threshold Level' above the 1% default (say, try %10). (2) Training. Keep teaching that Taglocity AutoTag that it is wrong (by untagging and tagging the correct ones) and if the content is distinct enough then it will learn over time and not misfire as much. Other tips and a way of 'seeing underneath' can be found here: http://www.taglocity.com/fogbugz/default.asp?TaglocityGeneral.1.161.0 I hope this helps. Remember though, if the content to be analyzed is too similar (or too short) then the tags will always struggle and you should use Outlook rules to set the tags without AI. ![]() |
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