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Taglocity Beta 1 for Outlook 2007 B2TR1

I know a few people have been waiting for this so I thought I'd throw the link up here. I'll update the downloads area on the site tomorrow.

To use this (early) beta of 'Taglocity for Outlook 2007' you'll need the following installed on your machine:

(1) .NET 2.0

(2) Office 2007 Beta 2, Tech Refresh 1

(3) Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System Runtime Beta (you can get it from here:

This beta is fairly raw, but safe and functional. It has only been unit tested on Windows XP and the above dependancies only. There are many known issues, so this is just an early glimpse for overall feedback.

Most updates to the code are around the new window management and the Ribbon UI. It's more of a 'kick the tires' release rather than a 'please find every bug' one.

Please note that this time around it is a public beta program, so anyone is free to use it, but feedback would be appreciated. The versions expire after 30 days, although each new update extends that time (and hopefully tune/add functionality and fix bugs!).

The current plan is to make a new 'beta downloads' page on the website and just let people get the regular updates when they like, rather than pushing them out.

Download Install file (will be put to other servers soon):

Have fun!
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I've had a couple of questions already, so thought I'd tag 'em on to here:

(Q) Does this work on plain vanilla Office 2007 Beta 2 rather than the Beta 2 Tech Refresh?

(A) Yes, kinda. The only issue found so far is that the Ribbon UI may miss some buttons. I don't really want to go fix this as the 'Tech Refresh' codebase is the one most likely to ship, so it worth updating it (please).

(Q) Where's the TagSearch viewer?

(A) It's 'resting' while the 'Windows desktop search API' from within Outlook settles down. The viewer will reappear at the next drop and the workaround is just to type the tagnames into the search box from within Outlook (with AND/OR too).

(Q) Why are you using this forum - why haven't you created a new forum for the beta?

(A) Seems simpler just to look at one forum as the code-base between the products is essentially the same. The one exception will be 'my XYZ window doesn't dock' type questions, in which case it's worth marking the Q or A with the version of Outlook you use.

(Q) Does this install/work in Vista RC1?

(A) I don't know, too many test combinations for this drop. About to find out this week though...
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I am assuming that one could also install the full VS 2005 Tools for Office 2007 as well (i.e. instead of just the runtime) - right?
John Gallagher Send private email
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Yes, as long as it's the VSTO 2005 'Second Edition' release.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
... as in, this one:

I would include it in the Taglocity install, but it's beta release so Microsoft don't allow that.

When Office 2007 is released (and they issue the 'Go Live' license) then I can pack all parts into the one single install.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
In answer to this:

>(Q) Does this install/work in Vista RC1?

>(A) I don't know, too many test combinations for this drop. About to find out this week though...

I've had feedback that it's a no go, in that it starts but doesn't save info correctly, drops toolbar events etc.

I'll get the Vista test environments up and running ASAP and take a look...
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The workaround for the Vista issues are to bypass UAC for Outlook, as in this beta drop works fine as long as you run as 'Administrator' user.

I'll provide an updated beta build to fix this as soon as possible.
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Thursday, October 05, 2006
David Ing (Recognized User) Send private email
Friday, October 13, 2006
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