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That's unlikely, at least for now.
If we did do something like that it would more of an 'AutoTag' style new classifier rather than an out-of-the-box feature (i.e. say something that noticed you tend to reply to the same type of text, from the same type of people urgently and would therefore put an 'UrgentReply' tag on your inbox message, just for example). This fits more with our 'Taglocity is a Toolbox' philosophy, to let people build what they like. The current longer term thoughts are to look and research different places to use your tags and stats info outside of Mail and Outlook. For example, being able to tag (and AutoTag) your Desktop files, or your other Office/Sharepoint info, seems like an interesting area to look into - which could reuse most of what we've done already. ![]()
Something to look at in terms of tagging outside of email and/or Outlook is Tagg. I only recently installed this application so I don't have any experience with it yet, but it sounds promising.
http://www.taggtool.com/ I am in no way affiliated with Tagg itself or related individuals and/or components. ![]() |
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